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AUGUST 16 - First Day of School

Hello. My name is Mr. Langhorst and I would like to welcome you to our Class Scribe blog. This year will have a blog entry for each day of class. Today is the first day of the 2006/2007 school year. The entry on most days will be written by a student but since today is first day I am writin the post.

Our first day was like many others across the country - some quick reminders about proper conduct in the classroom, an introduction to the class and handing out textbooks. I also had the students fill out an information sheet so I can learn more about them as individuals. These sheets really help me learn more about who they really are and their other interests. I think the most interesting question is "If you could invite any three people to dinner (living or deceased) who would you invite?"

I also took their picture with a digital camera. On Monday we will be in the computer lab and they will enter their information on a PowerPoint slide along with the picture and then I will able to easily print them off. I am terrible with names so I will study them just like flashcards to learn everyone's name. Overall it was a great first day and I'm looking forward to having a great school year.

Mr. Langhorst